My Town: Ouled Djellal
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My town Ouled Djellal

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Date Palm Trees ( palmiers dattiers)

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My Town
Oulled Djellal is my town. It is a small oasis situated in the south west of Biskra. It is a very wonderful town full of date palm trees and other fruit. Its people are generous.
It is very famous for its excellent dates آ« Deglet Nour آ» and the sheep variety آ« Ouled Djellal آ» .
Although my town is in the south of Algeria, but it has no sand. The land is stony and poor in vegetation.
Oued Djedi is the main stream that runs when it rains. Almost of the time there is no water, but when it runs it is very dangerous because it is rapid. There are other Oueds ( streams ) which are less powerful than Oued Djedi.

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Ouled Djellal is very hot in summer ( 45° ) and very cold in winter ( 0° ).
The best thing here is the sun which always shines. The clouds are rare during the year.
Water Supply: Paysants dug wells to irrigate their crops and trees. Water here is precious.

Its architecture:

There are two types of architecture : an old one especially in the centre of the town « Dashra » and a modern one in the north. The houses are made of stone and mud. The stems of date trees are used in roofs and as pillars to the houses. Many old mosques are built like that.
Now there is the modern architecture using cement and iron to build the houses and the buildings especially in the north of the town where the town expansion is.